
41 x Hulu Premium Accounts


Hulu Premium Accounts

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Hulu is a site that allows you to watch movies online, trailers, documentaries and TV shows. Below are my thoughts on Hulu’s movies, video quality, mobile apps, and more.

Hulu has a wide range of movies

Hulu’s films are classified into several genres such as Classics, Nutrition, Sports, Kids, Music, Drama, Family, Horror & Suspense, Action & Adventure, Art & Culture, Video Games and Science Fiction.

I like how easy it is to find movies because if you don’t browse by genre, you can browse collections of movies that are similar to each other.

These collections change frequently, but they are usually always useful.

You can also watch Hulu movies using the most popular ones and the ones that have been recently added. This applies to all of the films on Hulu as well as those within each genre.

I also understand that subcategories are present in genre sections. For example, movies in the Drama category are divided from like Novel, Mystery, Police Drama, Crime and HALL OF DRAMA and MEDICAL DRAMA to name a few. This makes it very easy to find a specific type of movie.

The video quality on the Hulu is on par with DVDs

Movies and TV shows on Hulu can have their quality adjusted between low, medium and high. Instead, you can choose a car to have the quality to adjust depending on the speed of your internet connection.


I like that the auto option is available because then you don’t have to be aware of the quality of the streaming that works best with a network connection.

However, of the few films I checked, it seemed that the quality was less than or equal to the quality of the DVD.


Hulu's player options

Hulu has a useful button in its video player that allows you to rewind 10 seconds with a single click. This is very useful if you want to see what you just missed without having to worry about using the progress bar.

With that being said, Hulu’s progress bar is extremely easy to use because as you move your mouse elsewhere in the video, a sketch of that scene is shown so you really know where you’re heading.

You can also make a full screen video or use the lower version of the lights in the Video Player, which will darken the entire web page for the movie except.

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Another option is to pop the video out into your own screen. A new window will open with a movie on the same progress that you are currently in. You can resize the new window as you like, making it more flexible than full screen.

Like Crackle, Hulu’s closed captioning options allow you to determine the color, opacity, and size of the text displayed on the video. This happens in use when you need text to pop out of a video. For example, if most scenes are dark, you can use a lighter color of text for subtitles.

Hulu ads are smart

Hulu shows commercials in movies and TV shows when the movie first opens, and they are sometimes as long as a couple of minutes a second. There are also ads posted throughout the video. For example, a movie that is 2 1/2 hours long, maybe about nine commercials, a 1 1/2 hour movie will probably have seven ads, and a TV show episode usually has four or five.

Because you can skip ahead through a Hulu movie or TV show, that means you can skip commercials. Fortunately, you can see where the ads are placed in the video by looking at the progress bars of the video for the little white dots. If you skip the ad, it will still play immediately after the video is restored.

It feels like there are tons of ads in Hulu videos because several of them are shown back to back every time ads are placed in the video. For example, a 40-minute episode of a TV show that has five ads will show a total of 2 minutes of commercials each time commercials appear, for a total of about 10 minutes of ads.

If you think about it, 10-15 minutes of advertising through 40-45 minutes of video is about what you’ll find when you watch it live, which I find acceptable.

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My Video Buffering Experience with Hulu

I checked a few TV shows and a few movies at the highest quality and had zero buffering issues.

Movies haven’t stopped at me, and advertising follows through as smoothly as videos.

In my experience, if Hulu doesn’t seem to be working as fast for you, I would blame it on either a slow computer / web browser, a slow internet connection, or a temporary hiccup on the Hulu website.

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Hulu: Final thoughts

I think the Hulu website is very easy to operate. Menus and categories are easy to find and watching movies and TV shows is very enjoyable.

I also like the video player options. Giving up lights or opening a video in full screen helps create a theater-like experience.

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