




League of Legends is currently the most played video game in the world, with more than 100 million monthly active users. Since the creation of professional competitions, the game and its community have grown year after year. But more than data, we are going to focus on explaining what League of Legends is and why it likes and excites so many people around the world.



Today, many young people dream of becoming professional esports players, with League of Legends being one of the strongholds of this new trend. For this they train tirelessly and compete to be the best. 

The league consists of six divisions, with Challenger being   the highest category and Bronze being the lowest. In each division, players face opponents of the same level and, as they win, they climb positions and are matched against stronger opponents.

Moving up a division is extremely difficult as you climb the table, which makes the game very competitive. Most of the professional players are in Challenger , but there are many amateur players trying day after day to reach that division and to have their work recognized.


Combining strategic thinking, quick reflexes and teamwork, the objective of the game, and what determines the winner, is to destroy the base of the rival team.

In League of Legends there are several game modes. The most popular is Summoner's Rift, a battle that pits two teams of five players . It is the most frequented map because it is considered the standard in competitive play and the only one where you can play ranked games, in which the result affects the score in the league.

Before starting the game, the player must choose a character or champion from the wide variety available. Each has unique abilities and a different purpose.

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All the abilities of the new Irelia

Each team starts the game at their respective bases, located in diametrically opposite places. Inside the base is the Nexus , a structure that is protected by a large number of automatic turrets and that marks the end of the game when it is demolished. Waves of minions spawn from the Nexus every 30 seconds , heading through the lanes to the opposing base.

Players have a wide range of items that they can buy with play money earned during the game that make the champion deal more damage or become tougher. The money is obtained by eliminating turrets, enemy minions, neutral monsters, and champions. In turn, experience is gained, which helps to level up and improve skills.

Each champion has 4 abilities . With more than 130 characters, there are around 520 unique abilities. Each of them is identified with its respective key (Q, W, E or R). The fourth ability (R), called Ultimate or Definitive , is the most important and takes a long time to be able to be used again.

Every match starts on equal terms , with all players having the same amount of gold and starting experience. Victory is completely determined by the skill of the participants.


This map has three symmetrically distributed streets that connect the bases of both teams, and between them is the jungle. In each lane there are turrets, which have a certain range and attack enemies that are alone in that range.

Before entering the rift, you must be clear about the role that each player will occupy in the game.

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This role is the one occupied by the player who fights in the upper lane of the map. That does not mean that the whole game is spent there. It is teamwork and communication is essential.

The top of the team usually uses resistant champions. It is common to see tanks and bruisers occupying this position , characters of strong or moderate resistance to the blows of the enemies, although we can also find duelists, assassins or magicians. Normally the top champions are characterized by being the first line in team attack.


Between the three streets there is the jungle. In it are the neutral monsters, which when defeated give gold, experience and even improvements or buffs , which serve as temporary help.

Apart from the neutral monsters there are also the mythical ones, such as Baron Nashor and the Dragons, which offer upgrades for the entire team and can be decisive for victory.

The jungle is dedicated to exerting pressure throughout the map, going from one place to another without stopping , he is the one who moves the game. The champions in the jungle are very different, and we can find even utility tanks and initiation of fights, such as assassins. They must also be capable of ganking , that is, catching enemies by surprise to generate numerical advantages in certain areas.


Here are champions that deal large amounts of damage, usually from a distance . It is the street of the magicians and the assassins. As in the top lane, it is a one-on-one with the turrets behind each player's back.

It is a very technical role, in which positioning is key , as well as reflexes and micro-decision making. Being in the central part of the map you also have the possibility to move and influence other areas easily.


The shooter, also called AD carry or ADC, is a fundamental piece in the game. Your job is to do constant ranged damage in battles . His defenses are minimal, he can be killed easily, so he is always protected by the rest of his team.

Like the medium, it is also an extremely technical role, although in this case much more based on its positioning in the fighting. One wrong step, and they will lose their lives considering how weak they are. Although each Marksman has a stage of the game where he shines, they will usually excel in advanced minutes.

Support for

The support or support helps the team in defensive and offensive tasks , without doing excessive damage on enemies, but does slow, stun, heal, etc.

He must be a champion with the ability to help in attack, sometimes starting offenses, and in defense, rescuing his teammates from compromising situations. It is the main protector of the shooter .

Its main tasks include exploring areas of the map to make sure they are safe, positioning vision guards. Together with the shooter, she is defined as the "bot lane" or lower lane.


Since the game's launch, Riot Games, the creator company, has acted as a kind of federation, regulating both the rules of the game and the competition , organizing tournaments and creating a professional league structure. In turn, Riot has also played a fundamental role in the dissemination of these competitions.

There are currently five major international top-level leagues that are followed by millions of viewers.

Europe | EU LCS : European League of Legends Championship Series

North America | NA LCS: North American League of Legends Championship Series

Korea | LCK: League of Legends Champions Korea

China | LPL: Tencent LoL Pro League

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao | LMS:  League of Legends Master Series

Apart from these, we have other important regional competitions, such as the Russian, Turkish, Brazilian, Australian, Japanese and Latin American leagues. In Spain we also have our own league, of a lower level, since it would compete with the other regional leagues, and not with the international ones: the Superliga Orange .

The main tournament is the World Cup, held every year and to which the best teams in each league qualify . It lasts a month and awards the champion with a million dollars. 

Many players have struggled to get to where they are now. Being a professional League of Legends player is not easy at all, it requires great talent, dedication and commitment . Socially, it is not yet a fully accepted activity. In fact, many parents do not support their children when they want to dedicate themselves to this, which makes it even more difficult to achieve the goal of reaching the top. Hopefully that school of thought will change soon.

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